Steps To Scp In Your Region Or Place
Realizing that SCP is a reaching orientation more than just a church planting commitment, what are the steps to reaching your place with Gospel in such a way that we can truly say that every man, woman and child has had a repeated opportunity to hear, understand and respond to the offer of reconciliation to God?
1. Know the context (research)
a. When we understand the picture of the church in that place, we know where a new church needs to be planted. The goal is to make sure that there is a local church in access to everyone in the nation. Access can mean a geographical measurement such as how far people will walk, ride a bus, drive a car, etc. But access can also mean a church that is relevant to a limited group of people in the place. Such as those who speak another language, or differing worship expressions.
b. When we understand the people in a place we can begin to build evangelism strategies that put the Gospel message in repeated and meaningful access to everyone in that place. Differing sociological groupings, marital status, age, economic level, etc. are the kinds of things that help us understand people and how best to help them understand the message of God in Jesus Christ.
2. Determine your approach
a. As you contemplate the information you have gained from the research, and with your map on the wall, decide how best to approach your circle of accountability.
b. Where are the regional centers out of which envisioning, training and mobilization support can be offered in a way that make them accessible to every church in the greater region.
3. Build an envisioning plan
a. Decide on a calendar of activity that will ultimately make an envisioning experience available to every church in the greater region.
b. Build a process for meeting one on one, many of the other church leaders in the greater region.
4. Train the first wave
a. Set up at least one regional center where the Journey training material and process can begin with a few of the “early”-interested churches.
5. Build a training program that will ultimately go to every church
a. With your approach in mind, begin to train facilitators for every one of the regional centers that you have identified for the greater region.
b. Launch the Journey training materials and process in each of the centers with the interested churches in that region
6. Decide who (other groups) you should/can count on
a. Identify other potential partners or networked friends who are willing to help with the vision in the whole region or in their particular network of churches.
7. Help them build steps 1-6
a. Meet with them often and regularly to help them build steps one to six in their network.
b. Train them to process and facilitate the Journey training materials for themselves.
8. Distribute supportive literature
a. Decide what other evangelistic, discipleship and leadership training material that would be helpful to all of the churches in your greater region and work to make it available to all of them.
9. Gather occasional celebrations
a. Decide of some regional and greater region celebration events that you can sponsor to help people see others practicing missionl life and church as it ought to be.
10. Review the process at least monthly with your core team
a. Gather the region-wide leadership team to build and assess progress on a regular basis, making adjustments and additions as necessary.
11. Consider sending help to other regions
a. Find other places in your nation where you can send a part of your leadership core to encourage and assist other regions to do the same.
12. Identify, train and release the called and most effective to other nations
a. In the midst of all of this, you will find a few people very effective at envisioning, training and facilitating. Take steps to send them to other nations to assist the Church in that nation do the same.

Dwight Smith