I was looking last week at a picture of a good friend. A question it provoked came to mind: why am I still here at 76 and he is gone to heaven “young?”
No easy human answer rescues my thinking. Only when I turn to scripture do I begin to find an answer.
The words of Paul to the Ephesians lead me to one answer: “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (2:10)
In short, God had completed my friend’s participation in the Gospel ministry to the world.
Do those words offend and complex you? They probably should. They perplex me. They are potentially painful for his wife, family and those of us who valued and loved him. We will probably die asking the question about so many of our friends and colleagues who die “young.” For us, it is a personal question.
But, for those who died, it is a liberating question. They have finished their assigned journey and are with God.
For those of us who are redeemed children of God, and follow closely to Jesus, it is not an existential threat. We do not fear death! Even when it is still a personal and painful question.
The questioning is ok, good and profitable. For it challenges us who still remain here on Earth to reaffirm that we were created in Jesus for good works. We still have a divine design upon us.
Don’t ever stop contemplating the pathway of faith to which God has called you. Even when it is painful.
See my article, “How do I finish well?” for more thoughts on life, death, eternity and daily significance.