Tigger Died Yesterday!

Dear grandkids.
It was a traumatic morning. We had packed him in his carrying case for a simple journey to the groomer. All seemed fine as we took him out of his carrying case. I sat down outside the workspace. Within one minute grandma was urgently calling me back.
The groomer was horrified and nearly in tears. Grandma was weeping uncontrollably. More sadness in her than I had seen in a long time. We scooped him up and headed to the vet. But, even before I reached the car it was evident that his life was gone.
Grandma held his lifeless body in the back seat all the way to the vet. At that point, his death was confirmed and we arranged for his cremation. What killed him? No one really knows for sure.
But all indications from a history of cats indicates that such traumatic, instant death is from a heart attack. A genetic condition in cats that is difficult to detect and impossible to treat or stop. So, our Tigger, with our Pistole, our Zorro and our Lady are all gone.
Grandma thinks that they are all in heaven waiting for her. I am not sure. But, I suspect that there are replicas so exact of each loved animal in heaven that she will not know or care.
But we do know two things. First, God’s sovereign love extends to even these little one.
“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows” Matthew 10:29
Second, as much as we may love them, we are more important than they are. His sovereign provision and protection of them is a demonstration of His love and protection of we His children.