Twice Monthly Podcast
The primary need of the church today is to provide lost people access to the gospel. God’s ultimate design for this, is the church simply mobilizing every member of Christ’s church to live the gospel in whatever places God calls us, thus saturating every home, workplace, community, city, and nation with the gospel message through the people of God.
We have written books, blogs, and articles on all of the issues related to helping churches and Christians embrace and practice this. We provide free videos as well. And, now I am happy to announce that we will make two more resources available.
The first, a twice monthly podcast is available now. The second, audio copies of my books, will be available in a few months.

Dwight P. Smith founded Saturation Church Planting International in 1996. He currently works with a growing number of church leaders around the world to mobilize the church for Gods mission: to make the Gospel of Jesus Christ accessible to every man, woman and child in every nation through believers saturating their areas with a living Gospel witness. Dwight's firm conviction is that if the leadership in the church today will submit themselves back to a biblical theology of leadership we will see the whole body of Christ mobilized into His mission.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!
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