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  • Writer's pictureDwight Smith

Safe in the Arms of Truth

buoy floating in water

“If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32

Where do we find our “rest” that feeds confidence in life and death? How do we know that we are disciples of Jesus?

Jesus gives us simple and reassuring answers. If we find our “rest,” if we remain steadfast and content in his word, then we know we are his disciples.

We know this objectively, because this is his promise. We can know it subjectively as well. His word, along with all of the words of God in the rest of the Bible are not only true, they are transformative. They change those who submit to their truth. Moreover, they are the energy that the Holy Spirit uses to build in us a new life. The life of Jesus; righteousness in the flesh.

The longer we walk submissive to the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit, using our consistent time in God’s word, even we begin to notice changes in attitudes that lead to changes in behavior.

These behavioral changes initiate a transformation that yields a lifestyle more like Jesus, than the world around. The world we came from.

The internal affirmation that we can receive from this maturity, adds to the truth of the statement, “you are truly my disciples.” And, we are reassured, affirmed, encouraged, convinced that this is indeed true.

With this confidence in hand, greater submission to the Holy Spirit and obedience to the words of God, even the difficult words of God, are opened up to us. We move from one victory over sin, to another victory over sin. Our lives show the newness of our new birth in Jesus, and our new walk with the Holy Spirit.

Jesus describes this life as a life of freedom in the truth. To the unrepentant person, freedom is doing what they want to do. Sucking out of life everything that they think makes it worthwhile, enjoyable, truly free. All the while, consumed with self, they orbit further and further away from God and closer and closer to an eternity separated from Him.

To the repentant person, freedom hinges upon submission to the words of God in the hands of the Spirit of God. Freedom is life in the safety of God and His designs.


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